Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. About ZAKA

    3. A message from your Instructor

    4. How to get support?

    5. Best practices & tips for success

    1. Outline 1

    2. Getting started with Programming

    3. Fundamental Components – Part 1

    4. Fundamental Components – Part 2

    5. Debugging & Errors

    6. Intro to Google Colab

    7. Hands-on: Intro to Python

    1. Outline 2

    2. Introduction

    3. The ‘for’ loop

    4. The ‘while’ loop

    5. The ‘infinite’ loop

    6. Hands-on: Loops

    1. Outline 3

    2. Functions

    3. Function Parameters and Return value

    4. Recursion

    5. Hands-on: Functions

    1. Outline 4

    2. Strings & Escape characters

    3. String Indexing

    4. String Traversal

    5. String Operations

    6. Hands-on: Strings

    1. Outline 5

    2. Lists

    3. Tuples

    4. Hands-on: Lists & Tuples

    5. Dictionaries

    6. Sets

    7. Hands-on: Dictionaries & Sets

About this course

  • Free
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content